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Montgomery Watson Americas Inc Profile   My Listing
I'm a : Business
Company : Montgomery Watson Americas Inc
Business Owner : Montgomery Watson Americas Inc
Address : 5100 SW Macadam Ave # 420, Portland, OR 97239
Map : Get Directions to Montgomery Watson Americas Inc
Phone : (503) 226-7377
Web Link : http://www.mwhglobal.com/
Verified Date : 02-21-2009
Category : Business Services and B2B
Discussions : Engineers and Engineering
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Company Information
MWH, globally driving the wet infrastructure sector, is leading the world in results-oriented management, technical engineering, and construction services to create a better world. Operating as the strategic thought leader in our industry, our purpose, goals and core values recognize that wet infrastructure covers a broader range than simply water. Global megatrends - climate change, scarcity of resources, aging infrastructure, and technological innovation - are all tied. Today, MWH is a multi-disciplined global team of program managers, business consultants, engineers, geologists, operators, scientists, technologists and regulatory experts all contributing toward providing our clients solid solutions that reflect best practices in wet infrastructure knowledge, experience and innovation.
About me
MWH, globally driving the wet infrastructure sector, is leading the world in results-oriented management, technical engineering, and construction services to create a better world. Operating as the strategic thought leader in our industry, our purpose, goals and core values recognize that wet infrastructure covers a broader range than simply water. Global megatrends - climate change, scarcity of resources, aging infrastructure, and technological innovation - are all tied. Today, MWH is a multi-disciplined global team of program managers, business consultants, engineers, geologists, operators, scientists, technologists and regulatory experts all contributing toward providing our clients solid solutions that reflect best practices in wet infrastructure knowledge, experience and innovation.
Engineers-Environmental, Wet Infrastracture
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