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I'm a : Business
Company : Oregon Tractor
Business Owner : Oregon Tractor
Address : 6455 NE Columbia Blvd, Portland, OR 97218
Map : Get Directions to Oregon Tractor
Phone : (503) 282-7211
Web Link : http://www.oregontractor.com/
Verified Date : 02-19-2009
Category : Business Services and B2B
Discussions : Contractors Equipment and Repair
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Company Information
Oregon Tractor has been in business over 50 years. We specialize in reconditioned Caterpillar equipment. In today's market you can't always justify a new piece of equipment, but you still need something that is very dependable. We understand, and for that reason we recondition each machine as required, while staying cost effective.
About me
Oregon Tractor has been in business over 50 years. We specialize in reconditioned Caterpillar equipment. In today’s market you can’t always justify a new piece of equipment, but you still need something that is very dependable. We understand, and for that reason we recondition each machine as required, while staying cost effective
Construction and Logging Equipment; Reconditioned Caterpillar Equipments
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