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Memories Captured By Catherine Profile   My Listing
I'm a : Business
Company : Memories Captured By Catherine
Business Owner : Catherine Manalo
Address : 548 NE Conifer Dr, Bremerton, WA 98311
Map : Get Directions to Memories Captured By Catherine
Phone : (360) 551-2205
Web Link : http://memoriescapturedbycatherine.com/index.htm
Verified Date : 02-06-2009
Category : Services and Professionals
Discussions : Photographers
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I have spent my life admiring the beauty of everyday moments, and the awe of momentous occasions. I live to catch the glimpses of love that may otherwise be missed, or the secret sparkle in one's eyes meant only for someone special. It intrigues me to witness the wonder with which a child explores the world, and the anticipation of a grown child stepping into new territories. As a mother, child, sister, and friend, I know all too well the sweet ache inside when seeing the simple movements and gestures of one close to me, wishing for just one moment more. I would be honored to share the moments that are so purely created by you and your loved ones. Allow me to capture your memories....
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