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Pioneer Pacific College Profile   My Listing
I'm a : Business
Company : Pioneer Pacific College
Business Owner :
Address : 3800 Sports Way, Springfield, OR 97477
Map : Get Directions to Pioneer Pacific College
Phone : (541) 684-4644
Web Link : http://www.pioneerpacific.edu
Verified Date : 01-29-2009
Category : Education and Schools
Discussions : Computer Schools
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Company Information
At Pioneer Pacific, we know you're ready to move forward with your career. That's why we offer diploma programs that can be completed in 10 months, associate's degree programs that can be completed in about 17 months, and bachelor's degree programs that can be completed in just 3 years. Since we create a coursework schedule for you, you'll never have to fight for a class or juggle schedules. The classes you need will be available when you need them, so you can be sure you'll graduate on time. Classes are offered year-round, and new students can enter programs every ten weeks. Most programs are conveniently available on day or evening schedules.
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Schools-Business & Vocational, Schools-Universities & Colleges Academic, Schools-Medical, Schools-Accounting, Schools-Computers
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