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Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Profile   My Listing
I'm a : Business
Company : Dove Lewis Emergency Animal
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Address : 1945 NW Pettygrove St, Portland, OR 97209
Map : Get Directions to Dove Lewis Emergency Animal
Phone : (503) 228-7281
Web Link : http://dovelewis.org/
Verified Date : 01-15-2009
Category : Services and Professionals
Discussions : Animals and Pet Services
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Company Information
DoveLewis Emergency Animal Hospital was founded in 1973 by Mr. A.B. Lewis, in cooperation with the Portland Veterinary Medical Association, and in memory of Mr. Lewis' late wife, Dove. Dove Lewis' legacy of loving all animals, and promoting the human-animal bond lives on in the people who love and support our hospital and community programs. She is a true symbol of the human-animal bond, and the DoveLewis mission. n June of 1992, DoveLewis opened its doors around the clock to treat animals requiring emergency and critical care, 24 hours a day. We are the only non-profit animal hospital in Portland devoted exclusively to emergency and critical care for animals 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
About me
Emergency and Critical Care For Animals
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