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Avis Rent A Car Profile   My Listing
I'm a : Business
Company : Avis Rent A Car
Business Owner :
Address : 7000 NE Airport Way, Portland, OR 97218
Map : Get Directions to Avis Rent A Car
Phone : (503) 249-4960
Web Link : http://www.avis.com/AvisWeb/home/AvisHome
Verified Date : 02-08-2009
Category : Cars and Vehicles, Travel and Hotels
Discussions : Car Rentals, Car Rental Companies
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Company Information
At AVIS, "We will lead our industry by defining service excellence and building unmatched customer loyalty." "We will ensure a stress-free car rental experience by providing superior services that cater to our customers' individual needs...always conveying the 'We Try Harder®' spirit with knowledge, caring and a passion for excellence." Avis Rent A Car System, LLC and its subsidiaries operate one of the world's leading car rental brands, providing business and leisure customers with a wide range of services at more than 2,100 locations in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Latin American / Caribbean region. Avis is one of the world's top brands for customer loyalty, as ranked in the 2008 Brand Keys® Customer Loyalty Engagement Index. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of Avis Budget Group, Inc. (NYSE: CAR). Avis Budget Group has marketing agreements with Avis Europe Plc, a separately owned UK-based company owning or franchising an additional 2,900 Avis locations in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
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