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Daniel Woram, Attorney At Law Profile   My Listing
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Company : Daniel Woram, Attorney At Law
Business Owner : Daniel Woram
Address : 615 Main St, Suite 202, Oregon City, OR 97045
Map : Get Directions to Daniel Woram, Attorney At Law
Phone : (503) 650-1800
Web Link : http://www.woramlaw.com
Verified Date : 06-08-2013
Category : Law and Legal Services
Discussions : Criminal Defense, DUI Lawyers
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Daniel Woram, Attorney at Law specializes in representing clients charged with criminal matters. He has been a criminal defense attorney for nearly 20 years, and has represented clients charged with serious crimes, including aggravated murder/death penalty cases, homicides, robberies, serious assaults, and sex offenses to all types of misdemeanors. He has appeared in almost all Circuit Courts in Oregon and Superior Courts in Western Washington. He also serves as a Pro Tem Judge in a number of Municipal Courts, and has been Secretary of the Clackamas County Bar Association and a Delegate for the Oregon State Bar. Whether charged with an Oregon Ballot Measure 11 crime or a misdemeanor, deserves zealous representation.
About me
Daniel Woram, Attorney at Law specializes in representing clients charged with criminal matters. He has been a criminal defense attorney for nearly 20 years, and has represented clients charged with serious crimes, including aggravated murder/death penalty cases, homicides, robberies, serious assaults, and sex offenses to all types of misdemeanors. He has appeared in almost all Circuit Courts in Oregon and Superior Courts in Western Washington. He also serves as a Pro Tem Judge in a number of Municipal Courts, and has been Secretary of the Clackamas County Bar Association and a Delegate for the Oregon State Bar. Whether charged with an Oregon Ballot Measure 11 crime or a misdemeanor, deserves zealous representation.
Crminal Defence
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