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Cedar Hills Shopping Center Profile   My Listing
I'm a : Business
Company : Cedar Hills Shopping Center
Business Owner : Cedar Hills Shopping Center
Address : 10180 SW Park Way, Portland, OR 97225
Map : Get Directions to Cedar Hills Shopping Center
Phone : (503) 292-7644
Web Link : http://cedarhillsshoppingcenter.com/
Verified Date : 02-25-2009
Category : Stores and Shopping
Discussions : Shopping Venues
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Since 1954, a Portland west side area landmark, Cedar Hills Shopping Center has been serving area neighbors and businesses. Conveniently located at the southwest corner of where highway 26 and highway 217 merge, this modernized center is also only a short walk to the pedestrian bridge crossing highway 26 to the light rail station.
About me
Since 1954, a Portland west side area landmark, Cedar Hills Shopping Center has been serving area neighbors and businesses. Conveniently located at the southwest corner of where highway 26 and highway 217 merge, this modernized center is also only a short walk to the pedestrian bridge crossing highway 26 to the light rail station.
Shopping Center
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