Budo Dojo...
is an aikido dojo in the Portland area affiliated with the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba (ASU). The ASU is an international aikido federation founded by Mitsugi Saotome Shihan who was a live-in disciple (uchi deshi) of O Sensei (Morihei Ueshiba), founder of Aikido. ASU is cofounded by Hiroshi Ikeda Sensei. ASU is affiliated with World Aikido Headquarters in Tokyo Japan.Budo Dojo...
is an aikido dojo in the Portland area affiliated with the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba (ASU). The ASU is an international aikido federation founded by Mitsugi Saotome Shihan who was a live-in disciple (uchi deshi) of O Sensei (Morihei Ueshiba), founder of Aikido. ASU is cofounded by Hiroshi Ikeda Sensei. ASU is affiliated with World Aikido Headquarters in Tokyo Japan.