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I'm a : Business
Company : Defacto Industries
Business Owner : Defacto Industries
Address : 2505 SE 11th Ave, Portland, OR 97202
Map : Get Directions to Defacto Industries
Phone : (503) 704-9944
Web Link : http://defactoindustries.com/?wb_session_id=ba1d92e573b348689cf9e57a1bca9ee9
Verified Date : 02-27-2009
Category : Business Services and B2B
Discussions : Industrial Manufacturing
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This section is where most companies talk about how they are different. But we'll admit, we're probably like every other creative agency we're passionate; we take pride in our work; and sometimes we wear horn-rimmed glasses and talk about use of negative space. But it's our approach that makes us unique: We believe great design is more than simply making things beautiful. Someone really smart once said, “You can put a dog in a dress, but it's still a dog.” Great design begins with an idea. It starts by building creative partnerships that extend beyond the briefs and deadlines. It creates a visual experience that leaves you thinking long after your eyes have left the page. Most importantly, great design is a collaborative process, an evolution of ideas and the reason why we love our work.
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