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Termitech Pest Control Pest Control Talk
How Green is Pest Control? Tip
Written by Termitech Pest Control in Portland
February 18, 2009 01:40:09 PM in Home and Garden | Pest Control | Portland
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Pest control can be very green. Like any occupation, there is skill involved. The experience level of your technician will be the most important factor in the safety of the product when applied. Not all "green" products have the ability to get the job done. Pesticides in 2009 are for the most part, very safe if used according to the label. Some companies will claim that they are green companies when in fact the truth is they are applying normal, everyday pesticides with a green sounding name and/or a green looking label. If a company claims that their pesticides are all natural and will not hurt or damage anything, they are not being truthful. A pesticide by definition is suppose to kill the targeted pest. Understand that your technician mixes his or her own chemicals to treat your pest problem. Your technician (if following the label) will control the toxicity properly and apply the chemical professionally, and in a precise and targeted manner.

So remember, when you hire a pest control comany, it is important to know how many years of experience your technician has. Your technician is the individual that shows up to your door to treat your pest problem, not the company you hired to do the job.