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Avanti Skin Center Skin Care and Facials Talk
Barely Hair Sexy Pair Promotion
Written by Avanti Skin Center in West Linn
January 28, 2009 09:22:05 PM in Beauty and Skin Care | Skin Care and Facials | West Linn
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Sexy for Valentine's Day

Avanti Valentines Day Couple

Valentine's Day is about romance, desire and love. When the evening is heating up and passion is beyond your control, nothing is more of a mood destroyer and less romantic than too much hair in all the wrong places.
Hair removal, a client's story...
Recently divorced, a brand new client phoned the office in a panic about an upcoming beach vacation she had scheduled with her new boyfriend. Hugely embarrassed to share her concerns, she proceeded to tell me that she had been married so long she had never bothered to do anything about the constant ingrown hairs she got in her bikini and underarm areas from shaving. Not only was shaving very uncomfortable for her, but the hair was so course that even when it was shaved tight to the skin the dark follicles still would show and she was constantly battling with razer burn and "ugly" bumps on the skin.
Having tried electrolysis and waxing many years ago, the client had given up on the idea that she would ever eliminate these hairy concerns. The client's question was whether or not laser hair removal would remove the dark hairs and enable her to comfortably and confidently wear a swimsuit at the beach with her new beau. Confidently, I was able to offer her good news...the answer was and still is a resounding, YES!!
I received a call a couple weeks after the client returned from her trip. Her bikini, according to her significant other, "looked hot". She had a wonderful time and was so thankful for us helping her with her embarrassing problem. She feels like a new woman.
Laser hair removal is a safe, effective treatment for unwanted hair. In most areas you can expect about 70% reduction in the amount of hair from 4-8 treatments. The treatment targets the hair follicles during the growth phase and gets about 10-15% of the hairs each treatment; this is why several treatments are necessary.  Safety and results is our number one concern, which is why we use the best lasers and a highly trained staff to perform the procedure.
Start this Valentine's Day off with alot less hair and alot more romance. Call today for questions about how laser hair removal can benefit you.