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Hood River WaterPlay Windsurfing Talk
Windsurfing Boards Article
Written by Hood River WaterPlay in Hood River
January 15, 2009 07:54:33 AM in Sports and Recreation | Windsurfing | The Gorge
8- Comment

The production boards are made so well now that there is very few custom boards or a reason for custom boards now, unless one is competing at the highest level of wave sailing, slalom riding, trick competition, or racing.

Boards are generally made from epoxy, but have layers of specialty materials such as carbon fiber and divinicel to make them light and strong. Very few are made of fiberglass and polyester any more.

Most beginner boards are made of polyurethane or other tough hardened plastics that provide high duability for the novice while learning. They will have a plain texturized deck or a neoprene deck for grip and stability.

There are a number of manufactures out there making entry level boards. Some work, some don't work so well. We have chosen the Hi Fly brand simply because they work and work well for our environment.

By William , Thu Jan 15 2009, 09:06
A good windsurfing board costs a lot more than a surfboard, around $1500
By Hood River WaterPlay , Sat Jan 17 2009, 11:56
William, You're exactly right. This is the average of a good board. The Official Olympic race board is now a little over $3000.00 but the good news is that one can get a great previous year model of nearly anything for around $1,000. or less.
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